If u have never owned a pair of L.A Gears when you were a kid, then u must have not been an 80's or 90's baby. lol I had several pairs of these when I was a kid but if u missed out on these then, u have an opportunity to get them in 2009. LA Gear recently collaborated with Sportie LA to re-release detailed reproductions of a few of LA Gear’s OG styles such as LA Gear Fire, LA Gear Star Shooter, and the LA Gear K.A.J. If you recall, some of these styles, released back in ‘89-’90 as part of the “Unstoppable” line. The “Unstoppable” LA Gear line will publicly re-release in 2009, however, if you cannot wait until next year you can purchase them now at select Sportie LA shops. Via SportieLA.

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